BME Consultation Panel

BME Consultation Panel

Struggling to effectively consult with Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups? Being challenged for how inclusive your policies or procedures are? Or are you from a BME community and don’t feel like your voice is being heard? We can help. We run a Consultation Panel which is specifically aimed at BME individuals to facilitate effective engagement between agencies and communities. 


  • What is the Panel for?

    The BME Consultation Panel has been set up by us to make sure that there is an effective consultation mechanism for local agencies, particularly public sector. The Panel is made up of Black and Minority Ethnic people from across Cheshire, Halton and Warrington areas who have agreed to get involved and respond to consultation requests.

  • Why get involved?

    Because it’s an opportunity for you to have a say in issues that affect not just your life, but those around you too. If people from BME backgrounds don’t get involved then policies and procedures won’t necessarily reflect the needs of those communities.

  • Who can be involved?

    The panel is specifically only for people from Black and Minority Ethnic backgrounds. That in everyday terms means anyone who isn’t from the White British majority. This includes white minority groups too like Eastern Europeans and Gypsies and Travellers.

  • Why is it only BME people?

    The reason for this is because people from BME groups tend to be poorly represented in standard consultation methods used by public sector agencies. You can join as an individual or to represent a group- just be clear when you are being consulted what capacity you are acting in.

  • How do I join?

    You will need to complete a questionnaire with some information about yourself and then you will be added to our database. When there is a consultation you will be notified about it. You don’t have to participate if you don’t want to. The commitment you make is entirely up to you.

  • What about expenses?

    We charge agencies for using the consultation panel and we recognise and value your time in being involved. We therefore give vouchers to those who participate - £5 for postal consultations and £20 for physical focus groups. We also make sure that you will receive refreshments if you attend a meeting.

Accessing the Consultation Panel

 If you work for an organisation that you think could benefit from accessing our consultation panel then please get in touch for a quote – 01244 400730 or
If you are an individual who would like to join and want to talk it through, contact us on 01244 400730
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