R was an asylum seeker from the Middle East. She was living in shared accommodation provided by Serco through the asylum support scheme and had found out about our English classes. Her English was very poor when she started and she joined our absolute Beginners class for those with little to no English skills.
R was very pleased to receive refugee status, but she was really unsure where to go and what she should do next. She had 4 weeks to leave her accommodation and her lack of English made everything a struggle.
One of our volunteers acted as a vital support for R, accompanying her to appointments, helping her to set up an account online for her benefits and to register for accommodation. We also made representations to the Council when they suggested a re-location to another area where R would not have friends or support services like ours to help.
R secured a flat close by, so that she could keep coming to classes and learning English and she has now secured ESOL qualifications. She has a group of friends, and she loves to come to the Unity Centre to see everyone. She feels happy, settled and more confident in her English.