Find out more
- What does the Trustee Board do?
The Trustee Board is legally responsible for the organisation. Collectively it makes all the high level decisions about the organisation.
- What’s the commitment?
Firstly you need to be prepared to be registered with both the Charity Commission and Companies House. You also need to be prepared to attend monthly meetings, and potentially some in between such as AGMs or task and finish groups.
- What skills are you looking for?
We want people who are committed to the cause of equality for all, but are particularly interested in race equality work. We are looking for a diverse mix of skills and experience but are always interested in people with HR experience, finance and business planning skills.
- How do I apply?
Nominations are taken at the AGM, so if you are already a member you can stand for election. If you aren’t or the elections have already taken place you can apply for a casual vacancy by filling in the form below. Usually we will invite you to attend a Board meeting as an observer before you decide whether you want to join.