Our opening hours are Monday, Tuesdays and Thursday 10am-4pm, Wednesdays and Fridays 10am -12.30 pm.
We are now also open for room hire, subject to hirers agreeing to follow the new Covid procedures. For any room hire enquiries please email office@chawrec.org.uk For bookings we are able to open every day from 8am-11pm
For immigration enquiries
or support, including help with EU settlement applications please call Karen on 07493 114860 or e-mail karen@chawrec.org.uk
For discrimination enquiries
contact Elizabeth at elizabeth@chawrec.org.uk
For any general enquiries please call 01244 400730 or email office@chawrec.org.uk.
Our ESOL classes
will be returning in the Autumn Term, starting Monday 13 September. The days and times will be as before: Mondays 1-2.30pm and Fridays 10-11.30am. Due to the ongoing situation with Covid, we are still having to limit numbers, so booking ahead is essential. Please email us on office@chawrec.org.uk
or telephone 01244 400730.